Yesterday morning I saw a Facebook post from a German friend promoting his surf band, Beware of Blast, and their new Surf tune, Grave Dance. This Halloween-themed song put me in the mood to hear other haunting and spooky music. By the end of the day a new music mix was born.

Panda’s Trick Or Treat is a brand new compilation CD, my 39th. Although I’ve created plenty of Christmas discs, this is my first one dedicated to Halloween. There is a lot of Goth-Surf music out there that fits the bill, but I needed more than just Surf songs for this mix. I dug deep to unearth haunting music from Twin Peaks, The X-Files, and of course Danny Elfman’s fun Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack.

The result is a nice mix of tunes that all share a common theme: Halloween. Some of these songs are just quirky, some are hard-driving, but they all remind me of this spooky time of year in some way. I hope you’ll give it a listen and see for yourself.

And here is the playlist, which you can listen to on 8tracks below: